(mobile friendly version-click here) Miracles and Demons FURTHER TO COMMENTS PAGE 1 ON MIRACLES WE ADD THESE DETAILS RE THE HEALING OF THOSE AFFLICTED WITH VARIOUS DISEASES In the days of Christ, pagan beliefs influenced the lan- guage of the population. One of these was the idea that some people were controlled by "demi-gods", called "demons", which were the real source of their illnesses. When the Bible speaks in the popular terms of the day, it does not imply endorsement of them any more than the use of the terms "lunatic"(sig.'afflicted by the moon') or "pandemonium"(sig.'all demons') or "St.Vitus' Dance" (sig. 'spasms linked with 'St.Vitus'') or "auspicious" (sig.' observing flights of birds') or "thank your lucky stars"(a reference to 'astrology')etc.implies the endorse- ment of these totally unscriptural and untrue ideas. We might say "we have some demons", but all we mean is that we have some mental or emotional difficulties. Even the days of our week are named after pagan "gods". These and other terms are used today as a convenient means of identifying the subject being addressed, but with no other thought in mind. This is exactly the way that"possessed of devils(should be "demons")" is used. (cp "Beelzebub" (Matt.12v24,27) - literally 'dung-god'). Often the term has relation to mental diseases of some kind, which may also result in physical infirmities. The symptoms displayed are identifiable with illnesses now known to have disturbances in the activities of the brain as their cause, such as epilepsy etc. Cp Luke 9v37- 42. Also those with physical disabilities were said to be "possessed with a devil(should be"demon")"Matt.12v22. Jesus "healed him, insomuch that the blind and dumb both spake and saw". An interesting insight into a recently diagnosed mental condition named 'Multiple Personality Disorder' or 'Dis- associative Identity Disorder' - Mark 5v1-20; Luke 8v26- 39-illustrates the above comments re "mental diseases". Observing the Roman "legion(s)", the afflicted one used this name to describe himself - "My name is Legion: for we are many". This is obviously the explanation. One of the inconsistencies of the translators (which is one of many!)is that the words for 'devil' (Grk.'diabolos') and 'demon(s)' (Grk.'daimon', 'daimonion', 'daimonia') are indiscriminately "translated" as 'devil(s)'. This re- veals a bias towards the common apostate view that "the devil" ("a fallen angel") controls legions of lower-ranked "devils", which he uses to persecute humanity. This wrong teaching & incorrect translation sows total confusion in the minds of Bible readers. It is no won- der that the false system of 'Christianity' extant today is termed "MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT". (see comments on this vital subject page 1- link below). 'Babylon' signifies 'confusion', and that is the result! It might be asked - "how can sicknesses be said to be "departed" (Luke 8v38),or to be "cast out"(Mark 6v13)"? It is a common terminology, and in Luke 5v13 we are told that "the leprosy departed from him" (Jesus was "cast(ing) out devils (i.e."demons") Mark 1v39-42). We are told that sorrows can be "cast out", and sins can be "cast(away)" etc. See Job 39v3; Micah 7v19. Consider Luke 11v14-"he was casting out a devil (i.e. "demon"), and it was dumb". Then "the dumb spake". It is obvious to anyone that "the dumb" person had an affliction which caused him to be dumb & he was healed. After the miraculous healing of the sick, they were in their "right mind", cp Luke 8v35;able to see, hear, etc. It was evident that God's power was being revealed in the midst of Israel-cp Matthew 12v10-32. return to p.1 return to home page-index go to God go to devil go to satan |