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                       Departure from the Truth

                 dates are as accurate as possible



                    THE ECCLESIAS WERE FORMED

                         IN THE FIRST CENTURY AD,


         Some of  these prophecies  are  set out  in    full below…

         their fulfilment is     illustrated by    the facts following…

         the dates are as accurate as possible       by the records -

         the facts  are indisputable,     and are readily accepted

         by believers  who  are the  modern-day equivalents of

          those to whom  Jesus spoke  these wonderful words -

                    "But blessed are your eyes, for they see:

              and your ears, for they hear"- Matthew 13v16.

   As  shown elsewhere we must be     able to clearly identify    &

   witness  against  the    apostacy   which   the word of God has

   told us must arise...and any way in which this apostacy      can

        turn attention away from itself has been used - link to

   'apocalypse'..'the Lord's day'-5th Vision.       We can clearly

   identify the modern-day equivalent  of  ancient Babylon, as

   the apostacy is termed,which"sitteth"on"seven mountains"

   Revelation 17v9 - see 'apocalypse' - & is termed in ch.17v5



   Jeremiah 51v7 - "Babylon hath been a golden cup in the

   LORD's hand, that made all the earth drunken:the nations

   have drunken of her wine; therefore the nations are mad"

   Revelation 17v5,4,2 - "BABYLON THE GREAT..having a

   golden cup in her hand..the inhabitants of the earth have

   been made drunk with the wine of her fornication"


   The comment of  the  then  head  of  the     'Roman Catholic

   church',when in 1962 he welcomed sympathetic 'Protestant'

   observers to  the  21st  'Ecumenical Council',      is a damning

   identification of both  parties when he stated the following -


                         this harmonises with

                      "The Roman Church is

     the Mother and Mistress of all the churches"

                ( 'Council of Trent' 1545-1563)

                      If Rome is the "mother"

                 who then are her "daughters"?   

    The family likeness is obvious,           by the sharing

    of false teachings,       which came from paganism

    ("Babylon") via Rome -    being dressed up in a

    'Christian' garb to deceive      the unenlightened-

    which teachings include - "the trinity", "imm-

       ortal souls", "a fallen-angel devil", etc. etc.   

    "Babylon" signifies'confusion'.     Such confusion

    is evident in   these self-contradictory doctrines

       which are totally opposed to the Scriptures.



    "Mystery'' identifies  the modern-day apostacy

    with the"mystery" religion of Babylon, so well-

    known to historians and Bible scholars.  It is a

    means  which  any  hierarchy utilizes      to retain

    power by the use of fear of the unknown,which

          only "the initiated leaders" can interpret.

    And  "the great" demonstrates the world-wide

          expansion# of this pagan-derived apostacy.

       link to   'Bible'- 'satan'- 'apocalypse'- 'foundation' and also 

                to   'God' - 'spirit' - 'mortal' - 'devil' - 'baptism'.

     #it migrated from Israel to its ultimate base in Rome,as shown in

     Zechariah 5 - the harlotrous aspect is explained in proverbs - p.2.

     Further identification is  evident with the adoption,  under other

     names, into the modern-day calendar,     of "the goddess of fertil-

           ity" and the "birthday" of "the sun-god"- link to page 2.

        Those who desire to be saved must be separate from all this.

     In 'The Two Babylons' Hislop clearly identifies    the links between

     the ancient pagan days of worship  &  the modern Catholic equi-

     valents. Refer particularly to chapter iii-'Festivals',    including the

     9 month period between the feasts of 25 March & 25 December.

     These two feasts - "Easter" ('Astarte', the goddess of fertility)

     & "Christ-mass" (the sun-god birthday) are a constant reminder

     to all of the pagan & harlotrous origin of Rome --

                       see the gestative period of the harlot – below*

     In the course of his comments Hislop states:

     "To conciliate the Pagans to nominal Christianity,Rome,     pursuing

     its usual policy,  took measures to get the Christian and Pagan fes-

     tivals amalgamated,  and,  by  a complicated but skilful adjustment

     of the calendar,   it was found no difficult matter,  in general, to get

     Paganism and Christianity - now sunk far in idolatry -     in this, as in

     so many other things, to shake hands"-page 105, 1969 edition.


                        prophecies of the apostacy

     Matthew 24v4-13 - "..And many false prophets shall rise, and

     shall deceive many.. the love of many ("the many"-RV, Diag-

     lott, John Thomas- i.e. 'the majority')  shall wax cold.  But he

                 that shall endure unto the end shall be saved".    


     Acts 20v26-32-"For I know this,that after my departing shall

        grievous wolves enter in among you, not sparing the flock.

     Also of  your own selves  shall men arise,   speaking perverse

                    things, to draw away disciples after them".

     (Jesus prophesied of this - Matthew 7v15-20;John 10v12,13).

     (note - "false prophets..in sheep's clothing..inwardly they are

     ravening wolves" - the "man of sin" (see below) wears a

     "woollen stole" - & we can draw our own conclusions)

     (Jude 4 testifies this process had then begun -   "For there are

         certain men crept in unawares..before of old ordained").


     2nd Thessalonians 2v1-10 -    " ..the  day  of  Christ..shall  not

     come, except there come a falling away first,  and that man of

     sin be revealed,the son of perdition; Who opposeth and exalt-

     eth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped;

     so that he as God sitteth in  the  temple of God, shewing him-

     self that he is God..And now  ye  know what withholdeth that

     he might be revealed in his time.    For the mystery of iniquity

     doth already work;     only he who  now letteth will let   ("only

     there is one that restraineth now"- RV) until he be taken out

     of the way.  And then shall that wicked be revealed..whom the

     Lord..shall destroy with  the  brightness  of his coming:  Even

     him, whose coming is  after  the working  of satan (original =

     'the satan'-link to 'satan')..because they received not

                          the love of the truth, that they might be saved".

     (Note  the  prophecy of  "the mystery of iniquity", later to be

     fulfilled   as           "MYSTERY,  BABYLON THE GREAT".

     Also,  the  "man  of  sin", later  to  be  fulfilled  as  the  "man

        child" and the "man"- Revelation 12v5; 13v18-see below-

     the "one that restraineth",   i.e. Pagan Rome was "taken out

     of the way" in  AD312-324,   allowing    "that wicked..man of

               sin..(to) be revealed" at the head of the apostacy).


     1st Timothy 4v1-3 -  "..in  the  latter  times some shall depart

     from the faith,  giving heed to seducing spirits,  and doctrines

     of devils  (orig.  'demons',  supposed  demi-gods);    Speaking

     lies in hypocrisy;  having  their  conscience  seared with a hot

     iron; forbidding to marry,  and commanding to abstain from

     meats, which God hath created to be received with thanks -

     giving of them which believe and know the truth".    

     (Note the pagan 'demons' (demi-gods) have been replaced by

     "patron saints";  priests are "forbidd(en) to marry" - and

     this reflects  their  "marriage to the church" - there is also a

     correlation with the Catholic heresy of "indissolubility" - for

        this forbids divorce of the "church" for her "fornication" -

     re "indissolubility" link to 'objections-answered';   meat is

     not to be eaten on Fridays;all of which  is  absolute   apostacy.

     Daniel 11v39 (Hebrew) speaks of"the bazaars of the protect-

     ors (guardians)"-  prophesying of the apostate "churches" & 

     their"patron saints"- & the sale of "indulgences / penances"-

     as God said of corrupt priests in Israel, "they feed on the sin

     of my people"Hosea 4v8RV - making sins a source of profit -

     "with a strange god"- identified below as the Roman bishop).

     The Roman bishop is "the god of protectors" Daniel 11v38.

     Contrast - "on behalf of the living  should they seek unto the

     dead?"-"for the living know that they shall die:   but the dead

     know not anything" - Isaiah 8v19RV; Ecclesiastes 9v5.

     And see 1st Timothy 2v5 - "For there is one God, and one

     mediator between God and man, the man Christ Jesus".

     Link to page 2 - AD 375,600,787,995 re "patron saints"

                                   AD 1190,1473           re "indulgences"      etc.

     See below & 'the Lord's day'-5th Vision re the "man of sin".


     2nd Timothy 4v2-4 -  "Preach  the  word..For  the  time   will

     come when  they  will  not  endure  sound  doctrine;  but after

     their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having

     itching ears;      And they shall   turn away their ears   from the

         truth, and shall be turned unto fables  (Grk.'the fables').




                                Note-dates are as accurate as possible                                     


                  AD33   The death and resurrection of Jesus.   Then -  the

                  outpouring of  the  spirit  on  the  Day of   Pentecost - the

                  early ecclesias formed - the beginning of the apostacy -

                  "the  mystery  of  iniquity doth  already  work" (original

                  has connotations of WORKING INWARDLY#,   as with

                  the formation of a child).  No longer " a chaste virgin un-

                  to Christ"2nd Corinthians 11v2,    this corrupted "whore"

                  Revelation 17v2,  impregnated with the seeds of apostate

                  formalism and pagan philosophy,   carefully nurtured the

                  child from her harlotry within.  The gestation period of a

                  woman is 280 days.  In  the    Scriptures,   1 day represents

                  1 year in  prophetic terms - cp   Numbers 14v33,34; Ezek-

                  iel 4v4-6. This gestative period* ended after 10 day-years

                  of birth-pangs (persecution) in AD313   by a decree  & the

                  harlot-woman of the apocalypse gave birth - Rev.12v1-5.

                  #such secretive working has been a feature of the harlot

                  during her journey from Israel to Rome - proverbs - p.2


                  Her "man child" Constantine  began  to  set up in power

                  those who had left the Truth .    These apostates were no

                  longer,  as  commanded,  "strangers  and  pilgrims"   (1st

                  Peter 2v11).  They  became  power-brokers of the world!

                  In fact many of them took up arms in the service of Con-

                  stantine - defying Christ (Matt.5v38-48) -  now "friend(s)

                  of the world..(and thus)..enem(ies) of God" -  James 4v4.

                  From AD 312-324,     Constantine   consolidated his power

                  over the Roman Empire,     and set up  apostate  Catholic

                  bishops over his subjects. Though nominally "Christian"

                  it was now in reality  pagan -           because it was founded

                  upon  PAGAN TEACHINGS,   and  not  scriptural truths.

                  Edward Gibbon, the noted historian,    wrote that though

                  "Christianity" emerged  triumphant,  it  was  at  the cost

                  of the adoption of many pagan teachings. Scripture corr-

                  oborates  his  independent  testimony, as we have shown.


                  Remarkably,   the  "man  child" (Constantine) was   fully

                  revealed in AD324,  when he became  the sole ruler over

                  the Roman Empire,  now  to  become   'Pagan-Christian'.

                  In AD330  he  laid  the foundations for his  Eastern capi-

                  tal  upon the soil  of   the  Greek  colony    Byzantium, and

                  named it Constantinople.   In this year also the Basilican

                  church of  'St. Peters' in Rome was erected.    It was later

                  pulled down and replaced by the present edifice.


                  *Another  gestative  period began,   which was  to end in

                  AD604-610, when the decrees of  Phocas,  then emperor,

                  finally  established  the  bishop  of  Rome as the supreme

                  head over all Catholics.     The "man of sin" was now fi-

                  nally revealed, as Paul had prophesied, that  "he as God

                  sitteth in the temple of God,   shewing  himself that he is

                  God"-2nd Thess. 2v4;cp Dan.7v8,11,20,25;Rev. 13v5,6..

                     see proofs below, which could be greatly multiplied..

                  (we hesitate to record such blasphemies; however they

                  must be provided for the information of the viewer).

                                             * see further page 2


                 'If to serve God truly is to reign, while thou servest Leo thou

                     reignest; for Leo is God on earth'- App. to Roscoe's Leo X.

                     'All the kings of the west held the pope to be a God upon earth'.

                                                                              - Gregory II, AD727.

                     'The Pope is God because the Vicar of God'

                                                                              - Innocent, from his Decretals.

                     'It is certain that the Pontiff was called a God by the pious

                     prince Constantine: and it is manifest that God cannot be judged

                     by men..Our Lord God the Pope'- Canon Law, Gratian,12thC.AD

                     'The pope..the supreme judge of heaven and earth, the judge of

                     all..God himself on earth'- The 'New York Catechism'.

                     'We hold upon this earth the place of God Almighty'-

                                    the Great Encyclical Letters of Pope Leo XIII.

                     'For thou art the shepherd..thou art another God on earth'-

                                                                    Mansi (ed.) in Sacrorum Conciliorum.

                     As noted elsewhere,we deny any legitimacy to such titles as "pope"

                     applied to mere mortal fallible men.   "And call no man your father

                     upon the earth: for one is your Father, which is in heaven"- Matt.23

                     v9.  And to assume  the  title  of  "God"  is the height of blasphemy.


                     The Roman bishop promotes the above claims.     And the "church"

                     admits her decrees would be "terrible presumption and blasphemy"

                     without the authority of Christ   (Australian 'pastoral letter' 1962 ).

                 Link to  'foundation'   explaining Matthew 16 & 18 for the refutation

                     of these blasphemies,  and  the  real  meaning  of  Christ's teaching.


                  Revelation 13v18** tells us that the "number" of the

                  "man" i.e. the "man of sin" prophesied by Paul, is 666#.

                  One of many titles used of or by the Roman bishop =

                  'Vicarius Filii Dei'-i.e. 'The Vicar of the Son of God'.

                  The total numerical value of these Roman letters  =  666.

                  In addition,  'Lateinos' and  'The Latin Kingdom' when

                  given the Greek  numerical  equivalents  add up to 666.

                    Latin clearly identifies the "man of sin" with Rome..

                  (..a pagan custom was to designate their "gods" by the

                  numerical equivalents of their names -   the above iden-

                  tification therefore reveals  Rome's pagan associations)


                  **note the connection  between the "mark" and  the "num-

                       ber" of the apostacy - Revelation 13v15-18 - see page 2.

                  Further, note the prophecy of Daniel 7v8,20 re "the eyes of

                  (a) man"  and  the   shocking  fulfilment  as  "the holy see".

                      ..ask yourself, are these things "just co-incidences"?

                                             Or are they, in actual fact

                          the demonstration of  the truth of Bible prophecy?


                  #concerning the number '6' link to the following-

                  'the Lord's day'-6th Vision-'structure'-'signs'-the 6th

                  and see the stark contrast with the number '8' as revealed

                  in 'signs' the 6th and the 8th, & especially 'Jesus' = 888.             


                  The "man of sin" is also "the antichrist" prophesied by the

                  Apostle John, the "spirit" of which continues to this day.

                  The harlotrous birth of this system (see above) contrasts

                  with the birth of the Son of God by the holy spirit of God.

                  And all those (whatever name they bear) who also likewise

                  "confess not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh" are

                  identified with this iniquitous system - link to 'sacrifice' &

                  'love' & 'resolution' - cp 1st John 2v18,22;4v3;2nd John 7.                


                  The "mystery of iniquity"  prophesied  by Paul was later

                  revealed  as "MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT" in

                  Revelation 17v5.               This identifies the modern-day

                  "church" apostacy with   the  well-known ancient "mys-

                  tery" religion of Babylon. It teaches "the trinity", which

                  is called "a mystery".  Julius III is said to have removed

                  "mystery" from the tiara because of Protestant jibes..

                  (the tiara represented the  three states  seized & lost by

                  Rome, as prophesied - Daniel 7v8; Rev.16v1-11; 17v16).                 

                  Edward Gibbon, the noted historian, wrote -

                       "The creed of MYSTERY and superstition..in the 

                      7th century disgraced the simplicity of the Gospel".             


                  On page 2  we shall briefly trace  the   adoption of various

                  false teachings into apostate 'Christianity'.    We shall also

                  give  approximate dates for       the inception of unscriptural

                  teachings which  are   all  subversive  of  the Truth.  These

                  only serve to perpetuate the bondage of superstition,   and

                  the dictatorship of  a    fallible order of men      who promote

                  idolatry,  to their own and their followers' condemnation.              


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                  go to committees  go to 'the Lord's day'      

                 go to 'the time of the end'   go to proverbs